Mar 17, 2010

twinkle twinkle little star

say hello to twinkleee, seb's dog. she's like one of the most spoilt dogs i have ever seen. she needs to be fed during her meals, like literally coaxed by putting bits of the dog food in your hand and brought to her face. also, she needs to be accompanied to the toilet. like she makes some funny sound or smell (haha) and you know you have to bring her to pee/poo. or else she would just hold it in for goodness how long. plus plus plus she needs to be coaxed to pee as well loll!

i was pretty amazed when i realized all these. like i found myself asking "why can't twinkle go pee herself" i mean how spoilt can you get!??! she has THE LIFE i tell you. blessed little thing. i guess.


after leaving this post alone for ten minutes and reading back, i guess i sound a little envious.. of twinkle. tho i would like to left alone when peeing thank you. but i am pretty tired this week. working and studying but not getting much done. and i left my makeup pouch in the office today which means i have nothing to cover my bloody eyebags tmr till i reach office argh :( :( :(

oh and my boobs are shrinking + stomach expanding. and i just received two more erp fines.

this can only mean TGIF PLEASSEEEEE cause am gg to the national museum on friday to check out the ancient Egypt exhibition. pretty psyched and something different to end the week at least wheee

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