Oct 11, 2007

i shld not even be here but i need to rant. i have three essays due tmr, which is more than 4000 words to be churned out by tonight. somehow the closer i get to the deadline, the more distracted i get by online stuff, which is rarely the case during normal essay-less circumstances. i usually get distracted by other things like sleep and tv.

so here culprit no1--
pacman on facebook anyone? majorly addicted here. there's no school like old school. old school games are fun, 0% brain usage unlike writine ahem* tedious philo essays.

culprit no2--
vlogs on youtube and myspace. omg now i wanna start vloggng too. the appeal of just rattling off the top of my head instead of typing seems so appealing now. they shld accept essays in this format too HAHA

oh and i just discovered why e max volume on my laptop is so soft lately cause even tho i put the main volume to max, the volume on my itunes is not to its max.. bimbooooo

sometimes the tv is like a lover
singing softly as you fall asleep
you wake up in the morning and its still there

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