Feb 5, 2008

we had a shoot at Canele at Robertson Walk, Clarke Quay yesterday. this lovely lovely pastry place that sells the most tantalizing chocolates and cakes! The host who ate a piece of chocolate for the camera, was genuinely overwhelmed by the rich flavor that he gave out a spontaneous cry of joy. haha..

after which, all of us grabbed wat remained on the plate. warm and most perfectly mixed with fruits and alcohol, the flavors melt and mix instantly in each bite. We were hooked and the price did little to stop us from buying more at the end of the shoot. haha..

I had a strange dream last night. It's like my subconscious had played out what i have been thinking for the past few days, in a much exaggerated fashion of course. And i feel so much better now, as though my doubts have been answered by the events in the dreams, even though it didn't really happen. yes confusing, i m blabbering again.

I woke up this morning to catch my brother pinching my goodies red-handed.

ohh and my arms and stomach HURT LIKE SHIT NOW.. cause siok has been making me gym and do weights. omg some intense exercise to wake every strand of muscle up into a dimension of neverending painn. but mentally it feels damn good cause with each ache, you are reminded of the fats you burnt HAHAAA..

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