Apr 16, 2008

just 5 mins ago i was frustrated and slamming on the keyboard before quitting firefox completely.

then i decided to read this letter from CPF Board, thinking that i probably got fined for not paying my taxes or something. on hindsight, if i did get fined, it'd be frm the inland revenue and nt CPF. SEEE rage makes you not think straight.

anywayy, the letter says: "...introduced a comprehensive GST offset package... for 2007 to 2010... also announced... SO NOT COMPREHENSIVE AT ALL until--- I am pleased to inform you that you are eligible to receive a total of $XXX in 2008 as shown below."

omg free money peoples! :D

or rather, im gonna get back a part of my contribution to the singapore economy since the GST increase last year! either way this is good news cause now i wun be so broke once i return from japan. i feel so grown up WAHAHA and after this i will receive GST credits and Senior Citizens' Bonus in subsequent years without having to register again. now i noe i can grow old in peace with a few measly government bucks and not have to sleep on the streets while selling tissue paper. riight

sooooooo i quickly re-read the letter before gg back online to register. after signing in with my ic number (another grown up thing hehe) i was presented with a trick question--

Do you know i actually clicked on the first option without a thought at first sight????? I am so gg to cite this example in my philo paper that humans are all inherently kind. Within split second on making my option, i unleashed an internal roar and corrected myself to the more sane and humanly selfish choice.

i noe, i suck. i felt bad immediately and thought of all the less fortunate ppl in singapore :( trust the government to put me in a moral dilemma. i swear the layout makes you psychologically more inclined to click the first option. check out the alluring red heart. count on someone dizzied with joy of receiving money to be seduced unwittingly into doing something regrettable. not that charity is regrettable but but...

1) they did not specify which charity. i much rather donate to old people than animals. can't make a decision without sufficient information dudee

2) if they did specify later, what if there is no 'go back/rewind/back to square one' button if i did not like the organization?

3) well i will be broke when i return, that makes grace-in-may less fortunate than grace-in-april right?

4) i donated last month! frm the company to an orphanage and church (jeremiah's idea) tt's a whole lot of money less earned yo.

THERE i feel less guilty now. please let me sleep in peace tonight.


Kexian said...

Grace, you are hilarious! But don't worry, I would have chosen that too. I hate organisations which make you feel bad for not donating!!! Do not be succumbed to that.

grace said...

thanks for your support babe. haha but i seriously question the motive of putting that option there. it's equivalent to putting an option in the atm machine so whenever you draw money, they ask u if u wld like to "donate a part or all your money to charity". u noe wat i mean.. hahaa