Sep 19, 2008

randomness preceded by a beer buzz chivas buzz zouk hotdog upsized with extra onion and mustard mee sua and tauhuay at geylang moon gazing by the road stalking old foes and chunks and chunks of double yolked mooncake

I just wanted to post this picture up haha. love the festivity of it. i feel like a tourist!
how did you spend your mooncake festival? :D


if you are broke, you should find a job. it is really universal logic that bills do not pay by themselves and money do not fall from the sky. the solution to poverty, for lack of a better word other than 'broke-ness', isn't to not spend but to move that lazy ass. it is an illusion that you are not spending because in actual fact, you are living off your parents. sure, you are thinking through your options and taking things at your own pace, but you forget that unlike others, you do not have the luxury to do that. i find it loathsome that you do not even bother to contribute to the family expenses when you know that you guys are in pretty bad shape; and a total joke that you are sleeping all day, quite literally. at your age, the least you can do is to support yourself which will already lessen the burden of your parents. what's to stop you from taking a part time job while "thinking through your options"? even the cutting of your hp line and not having even enough cash to take a bus isn't motivation enough for you! it irks me to see you criticize people's money management skills when you have no money to manage to begin with. or criticize the industry's falling standards when it's all talk and no action to make a difference or prove that you can do better. oh and don't even think about buying presents and flowers for people. your extravagance is an elaborate lie to yourself about your financial capabilities. like an enormous pacifier, it makes no one feel good but yourself.

I could be wrong. I may not know the whole truth. maybe you have a secret stash of gold underneath your pillow, who knows? but so far, i am sick of you talking like I am obligated to you. why do i not want to go out with you ? because even talking on the phone would already be like scraping the bottom of the rice barrel! (on a side note, don't you feel no shame using other ppl's line) I do not want to be responsible for your financial demise. yet at the end of the day, all this is out of true concern for you because it is really none of my business whether you are broke or not. every other week, you update me on this whole new level of broke-ness you have reached. eventually any anxiousness for you will turn into irritation that you are not doing a damn thing about it. and don't give me the ihavelowselfesteem crap, even ppl with no self esteem need to make a living. can't help you if you don't help yourself dude. my words are harsh, but you wanted my undivided attention?
here it is.


Kexian said...

Now I know who you're talking about! xxxxxxx

xue said...

woahhh hotgracey you the bomb!!!