Oct 21, 2008

my semi surprise pre birthday dinner. which everyone was late for. I was the latest but hey, tts my prerogative for the night. everyone was coming up with some rather creative excuses trying to draw me away from the table as they prepare the cards and cake after dinner. So i gave them a hard time of course, by refusing to budge haha...

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the before midnight album on fb has been forced to be made private :(

i love love love the cake

giving my speech

i had to cut the cake for everyone. ME! with a plastic knife for a cake with a cookie bottom no less! im the most hardworking birthday girl

grey goose martini courtesy of scott. tastes like shit. i only drank it cause i saw them order on SATC HAHA..

getting drunk here

in the end after 2 flamings and someee yagerbombs, i got smashed. my wonderful friends took some incriminating videos of me
- acting cute (im absolutely disgusted w myself)
- swearing
- "im not gg to apologize to you, you, you or YOU!"
- on the cab beside ours "eugeneeeeee! i swear the girl is getting a b*j*!"
and we ended the glorious night w some heart to heart talk over beer on the porch of a friend's house.

and now the best present of the night from someone who obviously doesn't know me too well.

"grace is an enigma. I can't figure her out. she's like a closed book, a mystery. how does a girl like that stay single for so long"


and then the official day with familyturnedcelebritynight
a buffet spread at mercure roxy but i din get to eat much anyway cause i had to entertain my relatives. and i couldn't stay at my table because *ahem* my frens also were busy writing my card last min too :)

again, thank you all so much for coming. this wld be incomplete without the beanies

minus sophie who has fallen sick

the crazy brother.

some believe that there exists a perfect form of you, out there or inside. like an immaculate soul, an ideal you. so a meaningful life would consist of achieving as close to that form as possible from our flawed beings, like sculptures chiseling away at some rough wood. to be that little bit kinder everyday, or more patient, forgiving or achieve that little bit more. at 21 years and 2 days old, i can make a list of the things i have done and an even longer list of the things i have not done. in fact, i dun really think i have accomplished a single thing at all! which honestly is one of my greatest fear in life- to nv achieve the best form or live the best life that i could be. (supposing that this is not already the best that i can be, in which case, pls kill me)

so while there's no famouspeopleunder30nomination or honorsdegree in the making, not even a freaking driver's license yet, i feel more comfortable with myself now at 21 and the issues i used to have no longer exist, mostly. comfortable in a sense that i still want things but not because i m using the things to define i/me but because i know i/me want those things. so ya.

on a side note, did i mention how much i hate being a year-end baby. come 2009, everyone will just start saying im 22 when i have only been 21 for 2 months. argh

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