Jun 3, 2010

the more we change, the more we stay the same

it's been about a mth since my exams ended and i have successfully bummed a whole 31 days without working or studying whoot. i have also

1) jet ski for the first time

2) successfully parallel park for the first time too!

3) read a bunch of books that are not "readings"

4) stand corrected when i say that books should not be adapted into films/shows. cause the gossip girl novel sucks. "he drank too much coffee and his hands were vibrating" really.

5) rediscovered my love for bread

6) beginning to detest proper meals. every meal shld be like breakfast. heaven shld have brunch brinner and supfast only

7) realized tt some ppl are really petty. social land mines tt explode behind ur back when u least expect it

8) lost my wallet once and atm card twice zzz

9) received ZERO traffic fines for this mth. new record!

10) missed my fren who has gone overseas for exchange. but learnt how to use skype loll

11) re-decided that jeans are my fashion nemesis. shld stick to wearing dresses and skirts for the rest of my life

12) made channel surfing my daily and only exercise :D

13) been going to butter a little too often for my liking.

14) playing too much computer games. hello battlefield, l4d and cs.

alas all good things must come to an end. results have been released and turns out tt i wun be graduating this round. but ill leave tt to another time.

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