Apr 21, 2007

i am three hours away from my first paper and i look like i just crawled out from the dead.

i borrowed a reference book out yesterday from the sch lib. the dude was reallie nice to let me take it out cause the lib was closing! suppose to return it by 9am today but i am late. since i am already late, i guess ill just hog the book a littlleeeee while longer and think abt the hefty fine later. i reallie did try to come on time man.

in an attempt to make myself happier, i wore daazzzling sliver (AND comfortable) pumps to sch todayy :D yay metallics are in. my mum has good taste. silver over gold anyday. well, for pumps anyway.

think i shld wear these more often before they start gg outta fashion. maybe i shld wear it thru the entire exam season.

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