Apr 18, 2007

I have officially not left the house for 3 full days. awesome man. din even pull off such a record during the As. had always been lured into a facade of studying at the airport or starbucks. wun say that all was productive tho. spent monday skimming through my philo stuff. TUESDAY WAS WASTED ON DAMN TAIWAN VARIETY SHOWS. it's all jeremiah's fault really. he promised me subway and me being me, told myself that i would start after subway arrives. which turned out to be 9pm in the night. sigh

today i went thru more philo stuff. but all in all i am SLOW SLOW SLOW. not even close to indepth for anything, barely skindeep! somebody bulldoze over my brain pleasee.

my theory is that if i study non stop and go on an all-books adrenalin high... the fatigue, my irritating dry palms, my pimples, the approaching headache will all just go away and Sartre with his fellow extentialism counterparts will become Da Vinci Code or better yet, Female magazine. cross my fingers, toes, arms, legs and any other appendages*

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