Aug 31, 2007

yayness im very very much excited about the thailand trip next yr

I shall be a good girl and save up so tt I will be able to shop till i drop. kx you could try to meet us there for the weekend :P

anyway my maid has left cause my mum doesn't trust her. since our new maid is only coming in days later, the hse is currently in a state of unprecedented mess. Turns out that my mum is quite a lazy housewife haha. she mops the flr but i see this dead cockroach becoming a permanent fixture in this corner of the living room. and the shirts are ironed to 'look straight' so i end up doing the ironing for her. and the dishes and taking out the newspaper. i tink the only thing im not complaining abt is the laundry cause that is just too heavy duty for me so i shall just keep quiet haha..

laundry for 6 ppl is no joke!

i can't believe tt it is a friday already. Paul Van Dyk tomorrow at zouk everyone!! MUST GOOOOO

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