May 19, 2008

tonight i mourn the loss of 3 beloved caps who were there for me through the toughest times. sheltering my face from the blistering sun and concealing my skin during tough&rough&dry&oiy&pimply days. special mentions to dark periods of bad hair (yeah we all remember that) and unplucked bushy brows. you guys are the best friend a (lazy) girl can ever have.

rose girl
a gift from jeremiah when he went to tokyo in 2006. apparently an expensive jap street brand which i nv saw during my own trip there. very good checkered design suede material but rarely worn cause ppl think the name is very 'lian' hence the very outdated picture.
left behind in cab after drunken stupor
Hearts meter-- :((((

purchased in Korea 2007. convinced that Korean designers don't know how to spell Fuck. Loovee the glittery black front which doesn't come off no matter how ppl attempt to scratch it
Missing in Action. Details: Unknown
Hearts meter-- :((

Button Cap
gift from Jeremiah when he went to KL 2007. also known as furry cap cause the grey is made of thick erm furry material. Only started wearing more often recently. fantastic shape and matches easily with all my clothes
Missing in action after a memory lapse from zouk to my bed
Details: Unknown
Hearts meter-- :(((((

gotta stop wearing caps to club
you will be missed

my dreams are bleeding into my waking moments
tomorrow i will see a pink elephant
and touch it and feel it and pray your words have not crossed over too


Anonymous said...

hahaha omg that was a very amusing post!

anw i am dying grace. i have done it to myself AGAIN. i had 3 whole weeks to do a 2000 word critical appraisal essay ... where i didn't even know what the hell we were "appraising" cus i hadn't attended lectures in god knows when ... and imagine my shock when i was rudely introduced to words such as "randomized controlled trials", "cohort studies", "confounding variables", "effects of non-compliance" ... f********* me!

well anw, the point is, it is due tmr. and i have spent the last FIFTEEEEEEEEN HOURS at my desk, bleary-eyed trying to type this shit up and in the process nearly frying my brain...

and guess what? i haven't even put together the goddamn essay. iv just written "ANNO-BLOODY-TATIONS" .... o.O

so i'll prob be here for another ... 8 more hours when it's time for me to get my ass to some renal unit of some hospital at 8AM.........!!!!

and tomorrow, i hafta commence reading my 2 completely new novels for my biological anthropology elective ... for which, in 3 days time i have to hand in an essay as well.

I LOVE LIFE OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this may possibly be my last recorded presence on earth

farewell my dear friend


Kexian said...

Jolene, all the best!
Babe, I love your caps. Please continue wearing them. You're the only person who can pull them off so fashionably :)