Jun 8, 2008

today i awoke to happiness and i din even realize it until i was walking out of my house. well not happiness per se, but that little skip in ur steps and wind in ur hair. u noe u cld stay in this moment forever. contentment perhaps? content that you have everything u need and anything extra is a super bonus. diet? screw that HAHA

to me emotions take a life of their own. when i am down, i find it impossible to fathom what it's like to be happy, vice versa. How is it possible that one can jump from one end of the emotional spectrum to another so quickly and not remember what the former felt like. we only remember that we were in the state of happiness/depression but we cannot revive that uncontrollable up turn lips or strings of tears that wet the pillows in the dead of night. those moments fleet away like ripples that disappear in a still lagoon. albeit, strangely sadness disappear more slowly den its diametrically opp partner. they are more like waves then ripples sometimes.

and how is it possible that these powerful forces called feelings can takeover a singular being, me and transform me into something entirely different. so one moment i am happy grace and den angry grace or irritated grace. I feel like totally different persons when i am only just one. we all have our hyde and jekyll amongst many hidden others.

okay that was my messy strand of thought. one cannot think straight when one is trying to grasp on to sands of happiness. I shall now attempt to document this state of mind down. hopefully when i am down, this may serve as my ruby red shoes and bring me back home...

4 June
St James! Happy High on super strong whisky. ate macgriddles which sucks and had 2 hashbrown to make up for it. made eugene's friend drink alot by winning 5-10 many timess

5 June
bought super comfy black 3 quarter pants that with faint dotted green and pink stripes. i call them my Aladdin pants :D
Mahjong.. 1 hse win 3 hse (christina, rachel and John) unfortunately john constitutes most of the losings and he is too broke to pay me back. but still :))))

6 June
Dinner w jac.. ate risotto for the first time from cedele.. very niceeee, i wanna go back and try the mushroom one next time.

7 June
Happy high at MOS.. moetttt w cherie and toking rubbish w ppl.
wore my aladdin pants and wore makeup for e 1st time in a long long time. prettyyy

8 June
woke up in the morning and knew exactly what to wear
macaroni soup w chicken, courtesy of mum who knew i went drinking last night cause she woke up at 5.30am and saw us sitting on the road waiting for cars to run over us haha
sprayed dkny perfume, i loooooovveeeee
rejected money offered from mum
working in office now, feeling super productive, a gd balance of play n work is er good
feeling residual high = lack of vocab
walking and bobbing my head in NTUC and bought big ass delifrance choc chip cookie. as big as my face!!
cut my toenails and smelt my feet, v fresh!
listening to mika nakashima cd, ethereal voice makes bus ride seem like im back in japan
eating calbee seaweed chips and feeling the sting in my ulcer and still smiling :)
excited knowing tt im gg to eat sushi tei later

now what wld be a real bonus, cherry on top of my sundae for the day is tau hui and you tiao for supper. geylang anyone?

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