Nov 27, 2008

my papers are over but that does not mean that i was all work and no play in november :D

first up, nanakin's 21st birthday
i noe she has prob lost my blog add but i love u babe.. one of my longest fren ever from dunman high era. now u is all busy busy (well so am i haha) but im just so glad tt we got to celebrate each other's 21st together :)

the cake was fannnnttastic

damn i love my shoes hahaa..

tongster's bday :D
doing wat she loves best: steamboat and zouk!

one side pork, one side chicken soup. which tasted abt the same haha.. so sad tt we din get tomyam cause no one else at my table seems to eat spicy :(


subsequently, our tags fell off everywhere and ppl at zouk started picking them up and using them too! haha but e bday girl moved onto better things: vandalizing ppl's arms and faces. naturally we took revenge :D

next up, am gg to KL with the girlss.. EXCITING! can't wait to eat hotel breakfast.. loveeee hotel breakfasts. hot steamy porridge, cornflake selections, eggs fried to perfection, fresh salad, crispy toast soaked with butter and ham, fresh orange juice, in some cases, tantilising dim sums.. i wld go on trips just so i get to stay in hotels for this heaven.

drowning in one's drool already.

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