Apr 26, 2009

i have always told people that we are ultimately lone individuals. creatures that comb the earth searching for things to pass each living moment. some of us may be lucky enough find our soul mate (i use this word loosely cause i don't believe one), someone that fits just right into the jigsaw patterns of our heart. but the gap still won't quite fill up. if u look closely enough, you can still see the cranny of emptiness between the adjoint pieces. too much temptations and distractions in the bright lights big city just waiting to weather it down.

everyone is going through a phase.

my mum was in a menopausal-ineedmyhusbandtobewithme24/7 phase. my dad is in a ican'ttakethisanymore-ihavedecidedtomoveoutof thehouseandnevercomeback-ineedtofindmyselfbackidentitycrisis phase. and now she is in a cryeverydayandnoteatorsleepprayingforhimtojustcall phase. and i am in a screwthisexam-justgetthisoveranddonewith-happilyeverafterisjustafuckingphase phase.

yep, we all wish it's just a phase. the boyfriend has been sweet but i m really not buying it now.


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