Jul 28, 2009

thanks to jolene i have recently been hooked on Boston Legal. the chemistry between denny and allan simply cracks me up! a really witty, fun and intelligent show, with pink flamingo suits to top ;)

the bf and i have been dealing w some issues lately, these issues arose from the fact that well, we are two people with too many friends of the opposite sex and also get bored easily. you do the math. while these issues are still being worked on, his conviction to get married in 3 years' time (be it with me or not) moved me to think things on a long term basis as well.

i would never know if he is the one i would marry, though at this pt the odds look rather slim, but looking things on a larger scale made me more willingly... forsake some of my more wilful attitudes.

i dunno.. it's a strange thought. sometimes i feel like i am giving my personality up, yet sometimes its feel like such a natural next step to be a better person. were we all so bad to begin with to require so much change in (semi) adult life?

or did i just start late


I have come to loathe all my cryptic entries and now aim to write as truthfully and unabashedly as possible. unless attempting some dangerous poetic endeavor or typing the influence of alcohol

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