Mar 11, 2010

rant to keep the doctors away

i just finished studying for my test tmr and completed my damn essay due tmr too :D
sense of accomplishment definitely palpable in the air now haha

am addicted to the tango song from scent of a woman: por una cabeza. someone come learn tango with me pretty preeseee. i promise not to step on ur toe

i am proud to have our very own homegrown scandal: jackneo and random un-model looking models. finally some real juice in the tabloids HAHA.. i thought at first that it was a "fake" affair, like a publicity stunt for his new movie. but when the second and third person started popping up, i trust raintree to be not thaatt creative.

ok i sound completely evil. i do feel sad for the wife and MAN ARE GREEDY EVIL PEOPLE but still, something to spice up my otherwise boringgg work life man.. cue intense googling during lunch hours. and no, jack neo is not the singapore tiger woods thank you very much

i have been accumulating parking fines like rain in a reservoir. omggg.. am definitely feeling the pinch now :(
need to be less lazy and bother check for parking rates and put coupons zzz

TGIF tmr for many reasons <3

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